Program: 2025-01-30 US Places #4

The fourth program of songs with a US place name in their title. Earlier programs were about New York and California and the third program covered Texas and Louisiana.

So that’s where we start – more songs from Texas and Louisiana and moving eastwards through Mississippi, Tennessee and Georgia to finish South of the I-10 in Florida!

1Dire StraitsSouthbound AgainDire Straits1978
2Elton JohnTexan Love SongDon’t Shoot Me, I’m Only the Piano Player1973
3TrainMississippiDrops of Jupiter2001
4CreamCrossroadsWheels of Fire1968
5John FogertyBorn on the BayouPremonition1998
6Bonnie RaittAngel From MontgomeryRoad Tested1995
7Spencer Davis GroupGeorgia on My MindThe Second Album1966
8Joe BonamassaSavannahRoyal Tea2020
9Phil & Tommy EmmanuelNashville ExpressTerra Firma1994
10Neal SchonMemphis VoodooElectric World1997
11Eric ClaptonMainline Florida461 Ocean Boulevard1974
12Sonny LandrethSouth of I-10South of I-101995
Program Playlist
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