Program: 2024-09-12 Studio #5

This is the fifth program that highlights music recorded at a specific studio. This time we showcase music from the library recorded at the Power Station studio in New York, later to be called Avatar Studios and today is known as the Berklee Power Station.

I’ve found nine songs that were recorded from 1980 through to about 2001 in the library. Whilst you’re here, listen to the first four:

Abbey Road

Caribou Ranch

AIR Studios

Trident Studios

1Bon JoviRunawayOne Wild Night2001
2Dire StraitsTunnel of LoveMaking Movies1980
3Roxy MusicMore Than ThisAvalon1982
4David BowieChina GirlLet’s Dance1983
5Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double TroubleCouldn’t Stand the WeatherCouldn’t Stand the Weather1984
6Peter Gabriel (with Kate Bush)Don’t GIve UpSo1986
7Dream TheaterPeruvian SkiesFalling Into Infinity1997
8The Black CrowesVirtue & ViceBy Your Side1999
9Diana KrallThe Look of LoveThe Look of Love2001
Program Playlist

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