Program: 2024-03-21 Studio #4

This program is the fourth in a series that highlights music from a particular studio. Trident Studios is the focus, founded in London in 1967 and in operation until the 80s. It’s reputation was set by the state-of-the-art equipment that defined the quality of the audio recorded in the building. A side note is that the studio founder also helped the band Queen get started by managing them when no one else thought they were any good!

Program #39 – Abbey Road Studios

Program #45 – Caribou Ranch

Program #59 – AIR Studios

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1Elton JohnHave Mercy on the CriminalDon’t Shoot Me, I’m Only the Piano Player1973
2GenesisAll in a Mouse’s NightWind & Wuthering1976
4SupertrampCrime of the CenturyCrime of the Century1974
5Blood Sweat & TearsInner CrisisNo Sweat1973
6George HarrisonThanks for the PepperoniAll Things Must Pass1970
7Ginger Baker’s Airforce12 Gates of the CityGinger Baker’s Airforce 21970
8FreeAll Right NowFire & Water1970
9Led ZeppelinThe Song Remains the SameThe Song Remains the Same1976
Program Playlist

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